Moving on and learning from your mistakes was the main message heard at the women in business luncheon this afternoon.
The event was put on as part of Small Business Week through the Chamber of Commerce. Former Gymnast turned comedienne and career counsellor, Barbara May addressed the room full of business women.
She says everyone comes across stumbling blocks, but the key is to learn from them, rather than give up."We feel bad because we want to get better, but if we're losing employees over it because they're like 'Geez, I screwed up and I'm going to quit my job' that becomes a real problem, right, because we need people to stick around, develop those skills so that next time, if something like that was to happen, they would handle it differently."
Small business week activities continue tomorrow with a succession planning event, and a business showcase on Thursday, followed by the Small Business Awards gala Friday.
By Sara Warr
HQ Grande Prairie, October 22, 2013